Sunday, March 17, 2013

Legs, too?

Shopping for the shaving stuff was easy enough. But oh boy, the thought of using a razor had Hannah apprehensive about the whole thing. I asked her if she wanted to shave my armpits.

So there we were, in her bathroom, mother and daughter, daughter learning about shaving armpits. I gave her some basic rules.

1. Use warm water. You want your pores to open, you'll get a closer shave.
2. Never use a dull blade. And since she doesn't know what that is, basically let Mom guide you in the process.
3. You don't need to use too much shave gel. Yes, it's cool to play with, but to shave with a little goes a long way.
4. No side to side. Shave down.

Of course, I did not have much for her to shave, compared to what she had. She was first afraid it would hurt, then afraid it would tickle. When she saw how easy it was to do on me, we then focused on her. And it was quite easy, too.

"Mom, what about my legs?" she asked.
"Well, how do you feel about it?" I asked in return.
"I am annoyed by the hair," she said.
"Remember, it's your body, your choice, but I think we should talk about this tomorrow." I replied, thankful to not deal with any more hair removal for the day.

The next morning came too quickly, I was greeted with a child I almost did not recognize. She was moody, and well, just plain bitchy. Sheesh, remove a little hair and all of a sudden, I get demon child.

(Okay, honestly, we've been dealing with moodiness here and there, but this was the first time I really blamed puberty.)

After she complied with Ted and I and started to work on her room, she came to the kitchen and asked about her legs.

"Can I shave your legs first?" she asked.
Sigh. "Yeah." I said.

We went into the bathroom again, I rolled my pant legs enough for her to shave my legs. She wet them, and felt how prickly they were.

"Mom! That's gross!" she exclaimed.
"Well, you start shaving your legs, and this is how your hair will grow back. Prickly and gross. Is that what you want to deal with from now on?" I was thankful for the way Hannah set this up herself.

She felt her legs, and said, "They're not hairy!" Then, her big grin disappeared and she asked, "Mom, do you think I need to shave them?"

I ran my hand down her legs and said, "No, I don't think you do. The hair is not as thick and dark on your legs as it was your armpits, and I don't think you will get teased about your legs like you could with your armpits."

I did tell her that her skin is dry, more important than shaving is the need to moisturize her skin.

And as for the swoopy bangs...I kind of hope she forgets about it for a while. This mom can handle only one thing at a time.

It REALLY is Puberty

Towards the end of 2012, Hannah was in need of a bra. Not an everyday thing, just when she wore lightweight shirts. Keeping modest and all.

Now, another milestone. I officially record March 16, 2013 as the beginning of puberty for Hannah. Why? She is 2 out of 3 of the three big things to look for. "Buds"...check. Body hair ...check. I'm not looking forward to the third. In fact, I'm willing the clock backwards because I'm not ready for my baby to grow up.

We were at the store yesterday, I was looking at flat irons. Hannah was goofing around with pink headbands. A week ago, she hated all things pink. But here she was, on March 16, 2013, trying pink headbands. Already had a pink belt in the cart. Also had a bathing suit with a pink bottom. That shocked me. I had gone through great lengths to avoid anything with pink in her ski attire...had ended up buying boys clothes! She has boys ski boots! Now, it's, " is my least favorite color..."

She had come up to me, wearing a headband with a pink bow on top, made faces, then reached up to mess up my hair. My eyes went right to the tuft of hair on her armpit. My first thought was Whoa! When did that get there? I schooled myself and brought myself to a place of neutrality, leaned in close to her ear, and whispered, "It's time to shave your armpits."

She groaned, then giggled, then groaned again and said, "Mom! Everyone heard that!" I reassured her I had whispered, no one knew what was going on. I picked a blue razor (The Venus) and she picked a berry-scented shave gel. I texted my husband "I just discovered Hannah has hair under her armpits, I'm buying her her first razor and shave gel!" I'm sure he did not jump for joy over the fact that his baby girl, the one he held every night at around 10pm, feeding her and watching The Simpsons, was indeed at the start of puberty.

Now, buying the stuff was easy. Actually doing it...well, that's another story for another time. Hannah wants to blowdry her hair. She has not wanted her hair done in a long time. In fact, she asked for swoopy bangs. So off I go, to make my little girl pretty.